Demystifying Microdosing: It’s Not What You Think! 🍄✨

A frequent inquiry WE receive revolves around concerns of negative reactions, especially from those who've had unsavory experiences with other mind expanding compounds such as cannabis. Today, we debunk myths and answer your burning questions. 💡
I had a bad reaction to cannabis. Will I have a similar experience with microdosing?
Firstly, let's clear the air: psychedelics and cannabis are vastly different. While even a small amount of cannabis can make you feel its effects, causing some people to react negatively, the psychedelic experience (or "trip") typically only arises with larger doses of substances like psilocybin, often referred to as "macrodosing". Ever imagined a situation where walls begin to shift or your lifelong purpose seems mysteriously connected to fruit? Yep, that's macrodosing. 🍑🌀
Could you have a "bad reaction" at that level? Absolutely.
However, with microdosing, a "bad reaction" is a virtual impossibility. Why? At the minuscule levels of psilocybin consumed during microdosing, you simply won’t feel the hallucinogenic effects, but rather a subtle shift in perceptional awareness 🚫✨
Microdosing vs Macrodosing: An Analogy.
Picture this: if macrodosing is like a leaf blower, then microdosing is like a gentle rake. Both accomplish the task, but one does so in a more forceful manner. While some love the intense journey of macrodosing, it does come with the potential for an adverse experience if the journeyer is not prepared. On the other hand, microdosing is a gradual, marathon-like process, subtly introducing positive changes over time. 🌱🌲
A Steady Route to Positive Change.
For those battling issues like depression and anxiety, remember: authentic change is incremental. Whether you microdose or consume 4.8 grams in a single day, neither will miraculously "cure" your mental health challenges. The key is persistence and consistency in your practice. If you’re hopeful on eradicating those pesky negative thoughts, enhancing your mood, and enriching your human experience, our Mind’s Eye Introspection paired with our guided mentorship services might just be the ticket. 🚀🧠
Ready to Dive In?
Join our empowering community over at Medicine & Mentorship to learn more and share the magic of microdosing.
In Equanimity,
Medicine Box