One of the coolest parts about womb sovereignty practices and even the grassroots mental health movement is the framework for the entheogenic healing that is happening. The model is to decentralize care. Mikaela de la Myco
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This video is part of the Medicine Box Shift Series, where we converse with the brightest minds in wellness—practicers skilled in the art and science of plant-based medicine and its related disciplines, including microdosing, mental health, the human experience, recovery, and creating health and happiness in your life.
For a more in-depth training of these methods, combined with our Mind's Eye product, join our 12-Week Microdosing Masterclass: A 90-Day Journey Back to You.
Taught by leading experts in the fields of psychedelic integration, clinical psychotherapy, ethnobotany, addiction and harm reduction, and functional medicine.
Closing up Medicine Box’s exploration of entheogenic motherhood, Mikaela de la Myco emphasizes the necessity of women regaining control over their own health choices from a feminist and historical perspective. Before taking questions and responding to comments from the Medicine Box audience, Mikaela also gives valuable info on how mushrooms can affect menstrual cycles and revisits the subject of recovery before discussing why she performs the work she does.
The Troubled History of Mainstream Health Care with Women and BIPOC People
Mushrooms and the Birth Control Pill
How Mushrooms Can Affect the Menstrual Cycle
How to Access Mikaela’s Services and Research
There are a number of ways you can implement these microdosing concepts and exercises gained from this video and see noticeable results in your own life. But if you want to combine them with practical products and guidance that have assisted hundreds towards greater health and human happiness…
Tune into our 90 Day Journey Back To YOU and APPLY NOW!
Medicine Box addresses mental health obstacles such as anxiety, addiction, and depression. As a result of his own recovery process, our founder saw a need for alternative health solutions and developed a vision that encompasses equal parts medicine and mentorship.
In Our12-Week Microdosing Masterclass: A 90-Day Journey Back To You! you'll learn about the power of microdosing and how it can be used to support your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. We'll cover a range of topics, including a social history of drugs, neurophysiology, and harm reduction, as well as how microdosing can be used to address issues such as attachment, trauma, and shame.
See how you can try Mind’s Eye today and APPLY NOW!